What is a Neuroma?

Does it feel like you’re walking with a pebble in your shoe or with your socks bunched up underneath the ball of your foot? Do you experience tingling, burning, or shooting painful sensations to your toes?

You might have a curious case of “neuroma.” The word “neuro” originated from the branch of medicine dealing with nerves and the nervous system. When we experience abnormal sensations such as tingling, burning, numbness, or electrical shooting- these are descriptions of possible nerve related pathology.

What causes a neuroma or a swollen nerve? It can vary from wearing tight shoe or can even be traced back to our ancestors to thank them for their genetics. The anatomical alignment and shape of the bones of our feet say a lot about how we function as we walk, run, hike and perform our activities.

By having X-rays taken of our feet, we can view the patterns of how the bones of the feet function and analyze where problem areas may arise for the nerves that lie between these bones. Just as wearing pants that are too tight or a hat that is too small can cause discomfort, if the bony structures of our feet are narrow or compressed- this can lead to discomfort for the nerves that run between the bones.

Wearing wider shoes may help with the pain from a neuroma as well as RICE therapy: Resting, Icing, mild Compresson, or even trying Elevating that foot. But when all else fails, you need a podiatrist to take an X-ray of your foot, analyze your biomechanics and foundation of your body in order to investigate further what is causing your pain.

Let Dr. Stocks be your advocate to find out what is causing your pain in your feet today. She has served countless veterans, children, and patients from all parts of central Phoenix, the Biltmore, Mesa, Gilbert, Buckeye and even have had visitors from Yuma, California and Montana.

Sophia Stocks, DPM, AACFAS, DABPM


Arizona Foot & Wound Specialists: Serving the Community


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